With the weather getting colder, you're probably wondering how the temperature will affect your bank account. You rely on your heating and cooling system to keep you comfortable year-round, but it's always at a price.

It's worse when you think how much energy is wasted every year. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that about 5 to 30 percent of energy is wasted on drafts alone.

If you're looking to save money this winter, here are five ways you can winterize your home.

1. Protect Your Doors and Windows

You can purchase weatherstripping fairly cheaply in order to keep drafts out. You should also pay attention to the space under your doors; you can purchase a cushion that will help block drafts coming in from that small crack under the door.

For windows, you can also use plastic shrink-wrap to reduce heat loss. It won't look pretty, but it works.

2. Change Filters in Your HVAC Unit

The filters in your heating and cooling system ensure that everything runs more efficiently. You can use disposable filters and change them regularly, or you can purchase a permanent air filter from us.

High-end air filters are especially helpful for anyone with allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems. We even offer the same filters used in hospital operating rooms.

3. Use Insulation

Fiberglass insulation can be put around basement doors, unused windows and on the attic floor. While this is meant to help keep you toasty, don't forget your pipes!

You can purchase special insulation for your pipes to ensure they don't freeze and possibly burst.

4. Schedule Routine Maintenance

Having your heating and cooling system checked can help reduce energy costs, protect your home and increase the longevity of your heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit. We offer a maintenance program that offers benefits such as discounted repair services and same-day service.

5. Upgrade Your Furnace

Most new furnaces are Energy Star Certified, which basically means they are more efficient — so much so that you may save up to 40 percent on your utility bill. There are two models to choose from: condensing and non condensing. The condensing model is the more efficient of the two.

If you're interested in a new heating and cooling system, want to schedule a maintenance check, or would like to learn more about energy-efficient options, contact us today.