Now that you know what the top five things are to get your home ready for fall, it's time to start thinking about the coming cold. Those frostful mornings are getting us all on edge, many have already turned on their boilers or furnaces to resist the lowering temperatures. Most are bracing themselves under blankets and staying clear of the glacial trim on windows. We've come up with ways to better winterize your home so that you can focus on keeping the heat in and the cold out. And it comes with perks! By winterizing your home, you make it more efficient, which then can trim your heating bill down and save you money this season. Who wouldn't want to do that?

  1. Caulk around your windows.
    If the area around your windows has cracks, cold air can enter your house and your indoor heat can escape. Your caulking needs to be replaced and checked for holes periodically to prevent this from happening.
  2. Fix your insulation.
    Over time, the insulation of your home deteriorates. You will want to add more material to your attic, crawl spaces, or exposed areas. You can build a false ceiling in unfinished basements and use an insulating cover for your attic to also help trap heat.
  3. Replace weatherstripping on your doors.
    Your front, back, side doors all need to be sealed. If you can see light around the edges, you definitely need to consider weatherstripping them. This inexpensive process will cost you less than $10 for weatherstripping and save you hundreds on your bill. 
  4. Add heavy drapes.
    In earlier times, light summer drapes were replaced with heavier winter drapes to add a layer of insulation over the windows. Now the same concept applies but is a lost practice.  
  5. Change your furnace filters.
    As you've heard us say many times, if your filter is dirty, your system will have to work extra hard to produce. Change your filters monthly and keep your heating system working at 100%! You can also call us for a tune-up service to maintain it and ensure it is working properly and efficiently.  
  6. Cover your water heater and lower the temperature.
    Believe it or not, but water heater blankets do exist. These covers keep the tank from losing heat as quickly, which also saves you money. If you also lower the temperature from 140 degrees to 120, there will be no ill effect. (120 degrees is actually the recommended temperature by the Consumer Product Safety Commission).  

This season is going to be a rough one for Pennsylvanians, with it estimated to be an ice-cold and snow-filled winter. It's best to be prepared for those times ahead, while also saving money on the high costs of energy bills. We are fully prepared to come to your aide for any of your needs, be it heat pump repair in Bucks County, PA to make sure all the rooms in your home are heated evenly or furnace inspection in Bucks County, PA to ensure your system is running safely and properly. If home is your hibernation spot, make sure it's warm enough for you and your family!