Our office is still open for service, and we are still here for you. You can rest assured that if your HVAC system fails when you need it most, we’ll be here to help. Some of our customers have asked how they can prepare their home before a visit. If you find yourself in need of a service call, our team has put together 5 easy steps you can follow! These steps ensure our visits are safe for you, your family, and our technicians.

  1. Turn on all lights and open any doors or entry ways that lead to the area and equipment that will need to be serviced.

  2. To minimize surfaces touched, clear the area away that your technician will be working in along with any personal items.

  3. While we love your pets, we care about your safety and health even more. Secure your pets in a separate room. (And yes, if your significant other counts as a pet, be sure to put them away as well!)

  4. Our technicians typically like to shake hands, but given the CDC guidelines, feel free to give us a thumbs up or a smile instead.

  5. After out visit, use on of our touchless payment methods. Our technicians utilize tablets so we can collect touch free via credit or debit card and can email your invoice for signatures.

To ensure your safety and the safety of our team, we’re going above and beyond ALL CDC recommendations. You can expect our technicians to arrive with the proper PPE including masks, latex gloves, face shields, cleaning wipes and show covers. 80% of our staff are now working remotely to minimize traffic in and out of our building. If anyone on our team reports they are not feeling well, we are asking that they stay home.