EER and SEER are both measurements that help homeowners understand the efficiency of their air conditioners. If you’re purchasing a new cooling system, you should check your current efficiency rating so you’ll know how much improvement you can expect from your new installation. Here are the basics of these ratings.

What is EER?

EER stands for Energy Efficiency Ratio. This measures the energy efficiency of an air conditioner by dividing the cooling capacity in maximum BTUs by the maximum cooling wattage. EER is calculated at an outdoor temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is SEER?

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This number calculates the efficiency of the cooling unit over the entire season rather than at one temperature. When calculating SEER, the unit is monitored at temperatures ranging from 65 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. The SEER is determined by dividing the average BTUs used over the course of the summer by the number of watt-hours consumed over this same period.

What to Look For in Energy Efficiency Ratings

Both the EER and SEER provide valuable information, but the SEER is slightly more accurate for the climate here in Baton Rouge. Average highs here only reach 92 degrees at the peak of the summer months, so a cooling system won’t have to battle 95-degree temperatures very often. Rather, it will deal with a broad range of temperatures which is what the SEER looks at.

For both SEER and EER, a higher number is better. In the South, you should look for an air conditioner with an EER between 11.7 and 12.2. By 2023, the minimum SEER for the southern United States will be 15. However, you can find high-efficiency units with ratings up to 25.

If you’d like to learn more about energy efficiency ratings and how to get the optimum performance from your cooling unit, contact our team at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning in Baton Rouge.