Reaffirming Our Closeness
November 8, 2021
Pass It On is a new, bi-weekly peek inside the heart and mind of Francis Pass…
Veterans Day is always special to me… and every man and woman who served is also special to me.
But there are a few extra special veterans in my life. And, last month, I had dinner with them.
Remember the Three Amigos from Dongola? That would be Tim Reeves, Wayne Corzine, and myself.
As I’ve mentioned before, the three of us get together every year for our own Army reunion.
This year, we invited a fourth guest to our little shindig. Ron Osman was also a military guy, and he’s a fellow Dongolian, too.
Patricia and I hosted the dinner. So Tim, Wayne, Ron, and their wives all came to our homestead on September 11th.
The ladies gathered in the living room while the guys camped out in the family room.
We took turns getting up to speed on the journeys of our lives. We talked about the ups and the downs. The good and the bad. The laughter and the tears. In doing so, we reaffirmed our closeness.
As is his custom, Tim brought a special gift for each of us. This is a tradition that began many years ago when he first brought me a cake with the Blackhorse emblem.
This year, Tim honored each of us with a special hat. Mine had the 11th ACR… Wayne’s had the emblem of 173rd Airborne… Ron’s hat was emblazoned with the Marine Corps logo… and Tim made one for himself with an Artillery patch.
Tim also insisted that we take a photo together. So my grandson, Spencer Remington, snapped a couple of pics on his phone.
One photo was with all of us and our wives. The second was just us guys wearing our new hats.
Later that same night, Spencer showed back up with framed copies of those photos for each of us. He’s a fine young man.
There are few things in life I love more than getting together with my amigos.
Excluding my wife and family, theirs is the closest personal relationship I have with any other humanoids. It’s a bond unlike any other.
Who’s in your inner circle? What are you doing to reaffirm your closeness?
Maybe it’s time you all get together for a nice dinner.
Don’t forget to take a few snapshots.
Be well. Stay well. Thanks for readin’…
Francis Pass
P.S. – This Thursday, November 11th at 11am, please take a moment to stand and salute all who served and those who continue to serve our great nation. God bless you all.