Let me pull out my handy-dandy calculator.


Two-zero-two-five minus one-nine-six-eight.


Ahh, would you look at that: Patricia and I have been married for 57 years. That also equals 57 Valentine’s Days spent together in wedded bliss. Well, except for the two I spent serving in Vietnam.


That’s 57 years of being her Number One.


It wasn’t her striking beauty that first attracted me to Patricia – although that certainly did catch my eye. No, what stood out was how bright she was. Did you know Patricia was the Salutatorian of our class? She was - and is - a woman of intelligence and grace.


But it wasn’t just her smarts that impressed me. Patricia’s work ethic was second to none. She grew up on her family farm, and she’ll tell you, her days weren’t spent lounging about. No, sir. No, ma’am. She’d be out there working the fields and pulling weeds so they wouldn’t affect the crops when it was time to sell the grain. Now, that is hard work.


I grew up working, too - delivering newspapers, mowing lawns, hauling hay, and picking migrant crops in Dongola. So, I had a great deal of respect for her and the Edelman family.


When we opened our business, Patricia was right there working alongside me. She didn’t hesitate to pitch in, even if it meant helping me make ductwork in the basement of our home on North 7th Street. And when it was time to get all stuff up on a customer’s roof, I’d toss down a rope, she’d tie up the equipment, and I’d haul it up. I’ll never forget that.


I’ll also never forget when I knew that I was in love.


Back when we were dating, I’d have to have her back by a certain hour. No exceptions. But every time I dropped her off and drove back to my place, I immediately missed being with her. I wanted to stay longer and spend more time together. I wanted to be with her every waking moment. In fact, I still do.


Patricia, you have always been my Number One. Life with you has been a great adventure, and I’m so glad you chose me to be your partner in this journey. Together, we’ve raised a magnificent daughter and wonderful son, and they’ve blessed us with 13 incredible grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. And you’ve been the best Mo-Mo anyone could ever ask for.


Sure, we’ve had our challenges. But through our first 57 years, we’ve faced ‘em together. And that’s what matters most.


Happy Valentine’s Day, Patricia. I love you.


You are - and will always be - my number one.


Be well. Stay well. Thanks for readin’.


Francis Pass


P.S. - I remember one time, we were working up on the roof at Hardee’s in Herrin. Our son John was just a tiny thing back then, and Patricia—bless her heart—put him in the bucket and tied it to the rope. I pulled him up on the roof with me, and he had the time of his life. He loved that bucket ride.