When your cooling system malfunctions or completely breaks down, you have a decision: do you repair or do you replace your air conditioner? It’s an expensive upgrade, but replacing your unit may save you money in the long run and, more immediately, significantly improve ambient comfort in your Northern Virginia home.

Can You Spot the Problem?

Before calling in the professionals, check for these common problems:

  • Blown fuse: If your air conditioner won’t turn on, check the circuit box and toggle the air conditioner’s switch to see if the fuse has blown or has been tripped.
  • Fan issues: Manually turn on the fan to see if it starts. If it does start working, your system is getting power and there’s probably some other issue.
  • Thermostat function: Give your thermostat a quick check to see if there are any problems – like changing the batteries and double-checking that all the settings are set appropriately.

Although good possibilities, these issues are not usually the root cause of your air conditioner’s malfunction. Even if you can correct fuse or thermostat breakdowns, you still might not be happy with your air conditioner’s overall performance. If this is the case, having an HVAC professional inspect your system is the logical next step.

Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner?

Once the HVAC expert determines why your air conditioning unit is not performing properly, it’s time to make your decision. But what should you consider? Start by weighing the cost and inconvenience of the repair against the cost of a new unit. Remember to add into the equation the savings on your energy bills from a newer, more efficient system. Your HVAC professional can help you calculate the comfort and cost benefits of upgrading to a new air conditioning unit versus repairing the old one.

You should also consider whether your current air conditioner’s performance is adequate for your family’s needs. If it is not, there’s no point in spending money repairing it. Your HVAC professional can help you make the call on whether there are better options available.

If you need help with this decision for your Northern Virginia home, we’d love to help you weigh the options and find the right solution for you DC Metro home!