Electrical power surges can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home, in addition to the risk of igniting a fire that could completely destroy your house and everything in it. Protecting your home from these dangerous electrical power surges does not take much time or cost much money, yet it can provide you with peace of mind in knowing that your life, home and possessions are protected. Our Augusta electricians at Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® explain the causes of these damaging surges and what you can do to protect your home.

What Causes Electrical Power Surges

Most of the time, electricity flows into your home in an alternating current that averages 120 volts. If the voltage surpasses 169 volts, this spike can cause damage when it enters your home and travels through your wiring, electronics and appliances. Even surges smaller than 169 volts can cause damage to sensitive electronics such as computers if they occur repeatedly. Power surges can occur during a storm as the result of a lightning strike,

Protection from Electrical Power Surge

Our licensed and certified electricians at Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® offer protection from electrical power surges. Whether you need whole-house protection or point of service protection, our dedicated professionals have your needs covered. Our whole-house surge protection systems provide complete protection to all of the wiring, electronics and appliances within your home. If you prefer point of service protection, we install surge protection devices to keep you and your home safe. No matter what your electrical repair needs are, our team has the skills, experience and knowledge to do the job. At Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®, our team of professional electrical contractors offers advice, products and services to help protect your home from dangerous electrical power surges. When you need an electrical repair service in Augusta due to damage caused by a power surge, our qualified electricians will quickly and correctly solve the problem. Call or contact us at Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® today at (706) 914-1617 to schedule your repairs or electrical installation.