It may not feel like it yet, but those chilly fall temperatures are just around the corner. In order to feel comfortable and cozy in your home this fall and into the winter, now may be a good time to invest in a new furnace. Additionally, a new furnace may be more efficient, therefore saving you some extra money for the holidays! Don’t know if it’s time to replace? Here are some helpful tips to guide your decision making!

Indoor Furnace

Time for your Furnace to Retire

If your furnace has endured many winters and has loyally kept your family warm for the past 18-20 years, it may be time to retire it. This is especially true for furnaces that have not been well maintained. The more often your furnace needs repairs, the more you should think about replacing it. According to the US Dept. of Energy, furnace efficiency drops off to 78% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) after 20 years. That means that you may be best off shopping for a new furnace this fall. You certainly don’t want to be caught in the cold come winter!

Costly Repairs

Have you had multiple repairs on your current furnace within the past few years? Oftentimes these repairs can add up to more than the cost of a new furnace. Even though buying a new furnace may be more cost upfront, it will save you money and time in the future!

Higher than Average Energy Bills

Did you notice your energy bills taking a hike this past fall and winter? That could be a sign that your furnace is in need of a replacement. As furnace’s age, it often takes more energy and time for your furnace to reach the same temperature it did years ago. This will often result in higher energy bills and uneven temperatures in your home. A new furnace can increase your home’s comfort and decrease your energy bills as the temperatures continue to drop.

Contact Us

For more helpful tips, don’t hesitate to contact Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®! You can request more information with our online contact form or call today at (706) 914-1617.