You have likely invested time and money in your heat pump. You want to keep it running for years to come. Typically, a modern heat pump will run efficiently for 12 years, give or take. Its lifespan depends on use and maintenance. Routine heat pump maintenance is the key to an extended lifespan. So, if you want an efficient, cost-effective system, consider scheduling regular maintenance with an experienced technician.

Routine Maintenance

To ensure your heat pump remains efficient and exceeds the typical lifespan, consider the following maintenance tasks:
  • Air Filters – The heat pump air filter must be cleaned or replaced monthly. A dirty air filter will block airflow, leading to lower efficiency and heat pump failure.
  • Cleaning – On occasion, take some time to clean the system. You may wish for an experienced technician to handle this task. The interior and exterior coils must be cleaned properly to ensure full-strength airflow. In the outdoor unit, any buildup of dirt, grass, or dust must be cleaned thoroughly.
  • Vents – Keep up with cleaning to ensure dust, dirt, and debris do not accumulate in the supply and return vents. Clean the registers and vents thoroughly to prevent debris from being sucked into the unit’s air supply, or blown into your indoor air.

Professional Service

Hire an expert HVAC technician to ensure your heat pump receives the maintenance it deserves. A technician will:
  • Inspect the ductwork
  • Check for optimal airflow
  • Calibrate the thermostat
  • Lubricate the motor
  • Tighten belts
  • Check refrigerant levels
With these tasks complete, your heat pump will enjoy higher efficiency and a longer lifespan. The longer your heat pump lasts, the more money you’ll save in the long-run!

Call Now!

Schedule top heat pump maintenance in Augusta, GA with Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®. Call us now at F:P:Sub:Phone}!