Summer tends to bring not only higher temperatures but also higher electric bills. However, there are ways that you can run the air conditioner throughout the day without having to pay a lot of money. The following are three simple, yet very efficient, ways to save energy while staying cool and comfortable.

Unplug Devices When Not in Use

All electronic devices use power even when they are turned off or hibernating. Unplugging devices such as washing machines, dryers and microwaves, when you are not using them, is a good way to save money. The devices that suck up the most power, and are the most important to keep unplugged when not in use, are video game systems, electric kettles, desktop computers and televisions. It takes only a few seconds to unplug these devices and the savings make it well worth your effort.

Insulating the Home

If you leave home in the morning and return late in the afternoon or evening, close curtains, blinds and shutters to keep the heat of the sun out of your home. Buy cheap door bottom sweepers so that hot air does not come in under the exterior doors and be sure to regularly inspect the house for cracks and gaps that let cold air out and hot air in.

Maintain Your Air Conditioning Unit

Maintaining your air conditioning unit will help it work properly and function in an energy efficient manner. Air filters should be changed at least once every three months and it is recommended that your HVAC unit be examined on an annual basis. If the air conditioning unit is not working properly, then have a professional examine it as soon as possible.

A good HVAC company can help you save power by ensuring that your air conditioning unit is functioning properly at all times. Experienced HVAC repairmen can also give good advice on insulating a home, sealing cracks and using power saving devices to keep energy bills down.  Cullins One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® would be happy to provide the assistance you need at a very reasonable price. We provide prompt, professional service and have many years of experience with maintaining AC units of all sizes, brands and types.