April 2014

This allergy season, don't miss out on memorable events with family and friends due to the irritations and dangers of allergies. Take into account these five tips that will keep you healthy and sneeze free.

Wash Your Hands

Hand washing is important for flu season, and for allergy season. Why? Allergens including dust and pollen are carried by our hands, which often end up in our eyes or others' hands. Avoid spreading allergens to others and into your own eyes by frequently washing your hands.

Get an Allergy Test

Get an allergy test if you aren't sure what allergens are bothering you the most. You can get an allergy test completed at your general practitioner or by an allergist. You may be prescribed with a seasonal allergy medication, or at the very least you will understand which things are most likely to cause your runny nose, red eyes and clogged sinuses this allergy season.

Ragweed and many other plants are typical sources of allergens. If you are dealing with allergies, make sure to avoid locations where these plants are rampant during allergy season. Consider taking a short vacation to somewhere where these plants are not part of the local flora.

Stay Indoors

Stay indoors during peak times when pollen or other allergens are airborne. Typically this information including the pollen count can be found via your local news report or your weather broadcaster. You want to make sure to avoid the outdoors during the times when these allergens are most likely to bother you.

Close Your Windows

Close your windows at night and during the day, especially if you do not use a window screen. This can be difficult for some who feel like spring and summer are times when the fresh air is the most inviting. However, by blocking pollen, dander and dust from coming into your home, you can avoid a great deal of allergy symptoms.

Upgrade Your Air Filter

Most heating and cooling systems still use standard air filters. We can replace those with high efficiency filtration which will prevent more dust and pollen from entering your home through the heating and cooling system.

To find out more information about using heating and cooling filtration for allergy relief, please contact Sub:BusinessName} in Columbus, Ohio.