March 2014

It’s no coincidence that spring is the only season associated with cleaning and organizing. Unlike the transition from fall into winter, springtime brings some of the year’s biggest and fastest transformations. If you’re a homeowner, spring cleaning doesn’t stop at putting that winter wardrobe back into storage.

We helped you get ready for fall and winter. Now that temperatures are rising and plants are blossoming in central Ohio, it’s important to make sure your house can handle all the changes associated with this new season.

1. Check window and door insulation

The perfect spring weather requires neither heating nor cooling, but hotter days are inevitable. You’ll be turning on the air more frequently in the weeks and months ahead, so make sure you don’t waste money or energy cooling air that’s leaking to the outside of your home. Weather stripping can warp or shift over time, and glass can develop impurities that lead to cracks. Make sure your attic, basement, windows, doors and all other openings are fully sealed and insulated.

2. Inspect caulking around windows and doors

Fluctuating temperatures—especially after a long season of extremes—affect your home in ways that aren't immediately obvious. Wood shrinks in cold climates, and even the most miniscule change can be enough to break the protective seals around your door frames, window openings, floor boards and more. It’s a good idea to re-caulk every year, but adding a new layer is a must if you notice any slight gaps or holes.

3. Replace HVAC filters

You can’t experience the warmer, more colorful joys of spring without the allergens that come along with it. Heating and cooling maintenance is important throughout every season, but now is a great time to get as thorough as possible, especially if you or your family members suffer from allergies. Brand-new filters will keep your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system in top form, ensuring that allergens stay outside and pure air stays inside.

4. Add an attic vent or fan

Heat rises. In spring and summer, the combination of rising temperatures and more frequent rain can be toxic for attics that aren’t properly insulated and aren't in the range of your heating and cooling system. But no matter how regularly you check for moisture, there’s not much you can do to control the heat. If you've noticed that it's getting harder to keep your house cool on warm days, it might have something to do with the attic immediately above it. Installing a fan or vent can go a long way toward preventing your attic from accumulating intense heat and humidity.

5. Clean the vents in your dryer

Keep your energy costs down – and your laundry as clean as possible – by remembering to clear out your dryer vents. You probably empty out the lint drawer every time you use your dryer, but the same lint clogs up the ducts and vents connected to your machines. Don’t heat up the whole house along with your clothes; clean out those vents to keep hot air flowing outside rather than back inside. Cleaning the dryer vent also helps to prevent fires.