May 2014

We often hear the phrase “indoor air quality,” but it can be a confusing and complicated topic. While it makes sense to assume that it refers to the amount of microscopic elements and gases that are in the air you breathe while you are indoors, that is a limited assumption. Indoor air quality refers to far more than just the amount of oxygen and other gases in the air.

What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality is a term that refers to the quality of the air that you are breathing when you spend time indoors. Poor air quality means that there is a high concentration of materials that are unhealthy or that the ventilation in a building or room is poor.

By making adjustments to the heating and cooling system, you can filter out some of the potential contaminants that are considered harmful so that the quality of air improves. Good indoor air quality means that there is a limited amount of possible allergens, dangerous elements or dangerous gases in the air. Instead, the room has a high level of oxygen and good circulation of air throughout the space.

Why It Is Important

Good indoor air quality is important for several reasons. It prevents certain illnesses and uncomfortable symptoms from developing, and it is good for the overall health of the body. It also ensures that severe health concerns will not develop in the future.

Our professionals ensure that AC repair services include a filter change on all of your heating and cooling systems to remove the allergens, dust and other possible microscopic materials that may be in the air. We can also ensure that the system is working properly so that you have better ventilation and air circulation throughout the building.

Setting High Standards

We set high indoor air quality standards so that you, your family or your employees are able to breathe healthy air when they are indoors. While we conform to the ventilation standards and the contaminant standards that are set by OSHA, we also take our services a step further by regularly changing the filters in your heating and cooling system so that even pollen and allergens are not polluting your indoor air.

Air quality plays a key role in your health. Breathing in allergens, certain molds and other materials can be harmful to your health. Changing your filters and ensuring that your ventilation system is working properly can reduce your risks. Contact us today to learn about what we can do to improve your indoor air quality.