October 2014

Homeowners and business owners who keep their furnace in tip-top shape can get a solid decade plus out of it. If you're able to squeeze out a decade's worth of service from your furnace, you can chalk it up as a win. Those who fail to have furnace maintenance check-ups performed on their systems will likely end up with expensive repairs and breakdowns far before the 10-year mark.

Routine furnace maintenance check-ups allow you to catch minor issues before they snowball into much more serious and costly problems. If you have your furnace inspected in the spring and the summer, you'll likely save yourself a significant amount of money in the long run. When a technician identifies a problem immediately after it develops, he or she can resolve it that day or soon after so that you don't have to pay much more down the road on a major repair or total replacement. Technicians will not only identify problems, they'll also check the furnace for damage and corrosion as well.

When you schedule your furnace maintenance check-up, consider including a tune-up as well. This way, you'll be confident that your system is running at full capacity and efficiency. It's much easier to rest easy during the winter when you know that you can rely on your furnace to perform as designed.

Furnace maintenance includes a cleaning of the unit's air filter. Furnace filters routinely collect dust and dirt, and these particles will be sent into your home's air unless you take preventative action. Some of these harmful particles can even infiltrate the furnace itself if enough builds up within the filter. Make sure that your furnace's filter is cleaned or replaced once per year at a minimum. This way, you'll be sure that you and your family are breathing in the highest quality air throughout the winter.

The most important reason to have your furnace routinely serviced is to preserve its lifespan. A furnace is an enormous investment that shouldn't be put at risk due to frugality or laziness. A simple yearly maintenance check-up is well worth the small expense, as it could be the consistent catalyst that allows your system to last 10 years or longer.

If you need to have your furnace serviced before the worst of the cold weather arrives, contact us to schedule service.