Winter is coming. Although your kids are playing in the summer sun now, we all know too well the turning of the seasons. A furnace installation service Hanover Park IL is best planned for in advance.

While you may think it’s too soon to be thinking of shortening days and frigid temperatures, we say never. It’s important to prepare. After all, each winter seems to be colder and colder. If you’ve been surviving winters in Illinois without heat, your tolerance for pain and discomfort is incredible.

However, a furnace installation service Hanover Park, IL isn’t cheap. You may have to save up for it. That’s why we’ve been telling you to plan ahead. It’s easy to forget about the cold when the summer sun arrives. But being prepared will keep you comfortable and healthy all year round.

One Hour Heating & Air– We Are Committed To Quality

Here at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning of Elk Grove Village, IL we are committed to being the best. We aren’t happy until you are.

Our technicians, office staff, and leadership all believe in our core set of principles and are here to serve you. And we mean it. If our service technician is even one minute late, the entire service is free to you. After all, we told you we take this seriously.

When you schedule a furnace installation service Hanover Park, IL with us, you get more. Not just more expertise, but also more care and customer service. We make a point of serving you, not just servicing your furnace.

So if your questions aren’t answered and you’re not smiling, then we didn’t do our job right. Every customer is satisfied when we finish. You’ll love the service you receive.

A Few Saving Tips That Add Up In The Long Run

So if you’re looking for good ways to save money this summer to help pay for a new furnace for the winter, we’ve got them. Try any of these tricks, or all of them combined. You’ll be saving up a storm in no time.

  • Save 10% of all your earnings in a separate account.This can be easy and a lot of fun. You likely won’t even notice that you’re living off of less money. However, 10% of every paycheck can add up pretty quickly. By the end of the summer, you’ll have sizeable savings.
  • Save all your $10 bills. This one’s a neat trick. You can choose any type of bill, 10’s are a good one to use for a big goal like a furnace. Any time you receive one put it in a jar. Spend your other cash. By the end of the summer, you’ll probably have hundreds of dollars saved.
  • Go out for drinks half as often. If you go out to shows and clubs on a regular basis, it can be a big expense. For every night you don’t go out, deposit $20 or $30 into your savings.
  • Switch grocers. Making lifestyle changes can be hard. But groceries can get really expensive. If you’re shopping at the top of the line, switching to a cheaper grocery store can save you big money every week. Calculate how much you save on average, and deposit that into your account.
  • Drive less. With the summer weather warming up, it’s easier than ever to bike and walk where you go. Or if you’re in the city, you can ride public transit. This will save you big money on gas. Make it your goal to fill your tank half as often. Each time you fill, deposit the cost of a tank of gas you didn’t have to buy into your savings.

With these tricks and many more, you’ll be ready for winter when it comes. A furnace installation service in Hanover Park, IL will be well within your grasp.

Visit One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® of Elk Grove Contact Us page to schedule. Our phone number is (847) 744-9447 for the more traditional clients! We hope you have a great summer, and we look forwards to serving you this fall.