Before you reach for your thermostat this fall, you should make sure your furnace is in proper working order. Companies like us at provide
Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® heater maintenance in Augusta to ensure your heater will run properly – and efficiently – during cooler temperatures. A routine heating system inspection can help determine if your current system is working correctly or if you may be in need of a change.
Old vs. New
Fortunate homeowners have furnaces that require little else but some cleaning. Changing the filters and clearing any dust or debris from the unit can keep your system in good working order. Without proper heater maintenance, your furnace cannot run efficiently, causing your power bills to rise and diminishing the lifespan of the unit. You may be faced with the decision to repair your existing furnace or purchase a new one. Prior to 1990, heater technology was based on ideas developed in the 1950s and units had a roughly 65 percent efficiency rating. Today’s furnaces are much higher efficiency, with some units performing as high as 90 percent. Have a
professional HVAC technician examine your unit and advise you as to whether routine maintenance is sufficient or if you can benefit from a new furnace.
Professional Service
Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® , we know that a poorly maintained heating system goes beyond just your furnace. We can inspect your ductwork and vents to ensure everything is running smoothly. Our skilled technicians can make repairs on the spot and recommend any changes or upgrades that can benefit your home. For your home heating system inspection, call us at
(706) 914-1617.
Source: The News, “Time to start thinking about your furnace,” Robert Prince, September 6, 2013