A green household is all the rage these days. It makes sense too. Save money on your electric bill, while saving the environment. There’s no downside. A great place to start is with that old furnace of yours. In the cool winter months, you will be running your furnace almost constantly, racking up those huge electricity bills. But before you go running out to buy the latest and greatest energy efficient furnace, take a moment to consider some of the following things.
Initial Cost and Incentives
Consider your current energy usage compared to the savings with an energy efficient furnace. The initial cost of a new heating system can typically run about $1000 - $2000, plus installation. In cases where you are shelling out a few hundred dollars per year, the early break even point may make a new furnace a no-brainer. But if you are only paying a few extra bucks a month on energy, you may wonder whether a new furnace is right for you. Thankfully,
Federal tax incentives for energy efficient upgrades means you could be eligible for a hefty tax credit if you opt for the new heater.
Most furnaces can last for decades if
properly maintained. This also means you may be using a very old heating system if your home is older. Newer, energy efficient furnaces often require minimal maintenance and upkeep - just another way you save money. Additionally, speak to your installer about annual inspection plans. Many install companies provide price breaks when customers sign up for maintenance on a recurring basis. It’s a win-win.
One last common thing to overlook is installation. Even for the most
handy do-it-yourselfer out there, installing a furnace yourself is probably not the best idea. You need to ensure your furnace is installed to local coding standards. A reputable installer will have the experience to keep you in compliance with regulations. Additionally, your furnace tech will know how to troubleshoot common problems that arise, which could end up saving you time and money. Look for an installer with workmanship guarantees and a labor warranty. For the very best energy efficient furnace advice and installation, contact Duggan's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® at (706) 914-1617