Florida is a state that gets very hot temperatures in the summer. No doubt, that is the season for air conditioning. This is also the season to take part in fun activities like a trip to the beach or your favorite amusement park.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the air quality is good. The Clean Air Act is a federal law that helps to reduce air pollution and works to set national air quality standards. It gives the Environmental Protection Agency the tools to ensure that these standards are implemented.

Common air pollutants include carbon monoxide, smog, and sulfur dioxide, which are known for causing health problems such as asthma and lung disease.

It is important for families to live in a world where the air we breathe is clean. By having good clean air regulations, it is estimated that around 160,000 lives are saved every year.

Cleaner air reduces asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. People are able to lead healthier lives and in turn, people miss fewer workdays, children miss less school, and there are over 100,000 less hospital visits.

It also helps the environment and Florida’s ecosystems benefit with less pollution. Moreover, the Clean Air Act helps the economy. With better air quality, people live longer lives and the workforce is healthier and more productive. It also gives American businesses greater stability.

Since it’s introduction in 1970, the Clean Air Act has helped reduce toxins. For example, lead emissions have dropped 98 percent and the Act has helped reduce overall pollution by 60 percent.

43 years later, many improvements have been made to our air quality and public health, and it is important that the EPA can enforce and update the national standards.

Future generations should be able to enjoy the environment and have clean air to breathe. It’s important for public health, the environment, and to ensure that business in Florida stays strong.

The Sunshine state has many great things to see and take part in. For families wanting to enjoy their favorite activities in Florida, supporting the Clean Air Act would be a smart choice.