Making guests feel welcome this Thanksgiving is important. Despite the intended purpose of getting together with family and friends to give thanks, Thanksgiving can be stressful under awkward circumstances. The host may be stressed about everything being cooked to perfection, and guests may feel stressed about meeting new people. While it can be a good idea to put out place cards on the dinner table to help welcome guests, keeping guests in a comfortable atmosphere will really put them at ease.

  1. Clean Out Your Air Ducts and Furnace Filters

One of the first things people notice about a home is how it smells. Beyond washing curtains, the carpet and other surfaces, contaminants in the air can give a home an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, people who are surrounded by these odors do not smell them. Keeping a clean home includes maintaining clean ducts and filters. It will help to improve the smell in the home, and it will help the home’s occupants to avoid allergies and illnesses from developing.

  1. Make Sure Your Home Doesn’t Have Any Leaks

The two largest sources of air leaks in the home are the windows and the doors. Prevent warm air from leaking out of the home by sealing up these two areas. Place draft blockers underneath exterior doors. Seal windows by placing a plastic film over them. This can be accomplished with plastic wrap and a blow-dryer. In addition, a home inspection can reveal other places warm air is leaking out of the home.

  1. Insulate Your Home

Every room of your home should be insulated. However, an easy way to insulate for Thanksgiving guests is to insulate the attic. This will help preserve air conditioning, or heat, in the home.

  1. Have Your HVAC Professionally Inspected

The US Department of Energy recommends that a licensed professional inspect your home heating and cooling system. Electrical connections need to be cleaned, and the heat pump needs to be running efficiently. At times, coolant can enter the system and ruin heating efficiency. It is also advisable to clean the coils, heat pumps, and blowers to prevent airflow blockage. The home will maintain a consistent temperature, which will help guests to remain comfortable.

One Hour Air Largo Will Help Keep Your Guests Comfortable This Thanksgiving

At One Hour Air Largo, we have legendary service in the community. Our strict adherence to professional standards sets our technicians apart. We will help to inspect any air leaks, clean your ducts, and perform several other services to ensure your home is heated efficiently. Contact one of our professionals today.