It’s that time of the year again. The days are getting shorter. The weather is becoming cooler, or at least less warm, and kids are starting to prepare for another school year. It’s also the time many people use to remind them that they need their yearly HVAC maintenance, the popularly called “back to school” maintenance.

Why Maintenance is Important

You should think about HVAC maintenance as you do about your physical exam. You might think that you’re too busy to have one, or that it’s not really needed. You might think there will be no problems if you skip it, just once.

However, humans, just like HVAC systems, need to be periodically tuned up. You need to know if you need to adjust your diet, take up more exercise, adjust your medication. For HVAC systems, it means changing filters, checking the system’s exterior coils, and doing a lot more technical stuff that keeps your HVAC running smoothly.

Some Things, You Can Do on Your Own

Removing the clutter around the exterior unit, changing filters, even using some duct tape to fix minor air leaks, are the things you can do on your own. They are not something you need a professional technician for. Not that they can’t help you with them – it’s just that these things are easy to do for most people.

For Other Things, You Might Need Help

But for more technical stuff, you will need people who have the skills, the experience, and the right tools. And at One Hour Air Conditioning and Heating, we know how to make your HVAC sing. Well, not exactly sing, but to keep you cool when it’s warm outside, and warm when it’s cold outside. So give us a call if you need us.