Air conditioner maintenance is an important aspect of prolonging the life of the unit and ensuring good indoor air quality. There are some things that should be left up to our Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® experts. However, the less difficult and less complicated matters can be handled by you, the homeowner. Once you familiarize yourself with a few recommendations from us or the manufacturer’s guide, it will help to keep your unit running more efficiently and save you money on expensive air conditioner repairs.

The Air Filter

The condition of the air filter affects your home’s indoor air quality. Your air filter filters the air by collecting the particles and allergens from inside your home. A dirty and clogged filter from build-up means that air cannot flow freely, leaving you with poor indoor air quality. You should remove the filter and clean it at least once a month using soapy water. Dry it properly before replacing it. You should change it every three months or sooner as needed.

Clean the Coils

Sometimes, ice builds up on the condenser coils due to blocked airflow. If this happens, after disconnecting the unit from its power source, wash it down with a regular hose. Then spray it with an air conditioner cleaner and make sure to clean it thoroughly. Use gloves and protective glasses.

Adjust Thermostat

If the temperature of your air seems to be too hot or too cold, before calling our air conditioner company technicians, adjust the thermostat about 30 degrees above or below your desired temperature. Failure in this area may be due to a faulty thermostat.

Clean the Drain

In between drain cleaning by our air conditioner company technicians, you can vacuum the drain as temporary air conditioner maintenance. Simply cap the end of the drain with a store-bought cap and, using a dry vacuum, suction out the dirt. Remove the cap after you are done.

Get Help with AC Maintenance

Air conditioner repairs can be minimized when you keep up with proactive DIY air conditioner maintenance. Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® will do the rest. For professional, preventive routine servicing, contact us today or call us at (763) 284-8639.