With the invention of the thermostat for our home HVAC systems, along came lower utility bills and more ‘control’ over how we heated (or cooled) our homes. Given that our HVAC systems run throughout the year, any help in lowering those bills is always welcome. With the advent of the new style fully programmable thermostats, that control (and cost-saving) can be even greater.


From a basic little rotary wheel to something with more computing power than a 1990’s desktop computer, thermostats have come a long way over the years; able to ‘zone’ certain areas, come on at set times, with the ability to increase or decrease the set temperature dependent on ambient temperatures, they really are quite clever.


The older style thermostats are quite reliable, truth be told, there is very little inside them that can fail, but just like the best of us, age can take its toll! (as an HVAC technician who has spent a lifetime on their knees installing systems can tell you!).
The newer thermostats have been known to cause problems, but in our experience, this usually an operator error; the thermostats are getting so clever that they need a full instruction booklet on how to use them and then another on how to program them (maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea).

Generally, it seems that you are more likely to have problems from a power outage than anything else; causing the HVAC system itself to reset, this, in turn, resets the thermostat.

Whatever your requirements with your HVAC system, be that maintenance, repair or a new installation, talk to Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® in Ramsey, MN. Call us at (763) 284-8639 or contact us online.

One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning – Always on time or you don’t pay a dime!