Solar heating systems use light and energy from the sun to provide natural warmth for our homes and offices.

And, it may sound lofty, yet it’s true. There is one way that homeowners everywhere can help solve our planet’s energy crisis — by using solar heating systems!

That’s right, solar heating systems are saving the planet, one home at a time. Here are some of the key characteristics of solar heating:

  1. Solar heating actually helps to slow the effects of global warming. Global warming is undoubtedly one of the most dire issues facing humankind, today. So, what can we do to combat this serious problem? Use solar heating! Efficient solar heating systems create heat in our homes and workplaces, without producing global warming-related pollution.
  2. Solar heating is highly energy-efficient. When you make the choice to use the sun’s energy to heat your home, you’ll also be saving tons of energy. Not only is this healthy for your wallet, but it’s healthy for the planet, as well.
  3. Solar heating saves money. The statistics and reviews are in — solar heating saves money. Reducing your energy usage will also help you save valuable cash on utility bills. An average home can look forward to saving thousands of dollars, every year, after the switch to solar heating is made. Talk about an excellent byproduct to solving the planet’s energy crisis!

Contact Northern’s One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating Today

Do you have further questions about the benefit of solar heating systems? If you would like professional assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating. Call us at (763) 284-8639  to learn more about our top-quality heating services. We’re always happy to offer our assistance, help you schedule a consultation, or tell you more about our services. We look forward to speaking with you!