When freezing-cold temperatures start to hit, we’re not exactly likely to keep our windows open! But, did you know that keeping your windows sealed shut for the winter season can contribute to poor indoor air quality? It’s for this reason that winter is the time when most homes become positively saturated with dust, pet dander, and debris – ick! The importance of good indoor air quality during the winter cannot be overstated. So, how do you go about achieving this? Here are some ways to improve your indoor air quality when freezing temps occur:

  • Clean your floors regularly. Cleaning your floors is more important in the winter than in virtually any other season. Vacuum and sweep at least once per week (if not more), and consider using a steam cleaner every month or so. Also, clean your floor mats regularly, to get rid of all the debris that people track in when they come inside.
  • Crack a window or two from time to time. Yes, we know it’s cold out, but your lungs will thank you! When you can, crack a few windows for at least an hour or so (try to do this weekly). You could even use a fan or two to help get rid of all that icky air.
  • Purchase indoor plants. Our plant friends are well-known for their ability to improve our indoor air quality! Invest in a few plants, if you haven’t done so already.

Contact the Ramsey Team Today!

Do you have further questions about the importance of good air quality, especially during the wintertime? If you would like professional assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating. Call us to learn more about our top-quality heating services. We’re always happy to offer our assistance, help you schedule a consultation, or tell you more about our services. We look forward to speaking with you!