When it comes time to replace your old furnace, deciding on a new unit can be challenging. There are many aspects to take into consideration, including price and efficiency. So, how can you decide what furnace is right your home and budget?

Decide If You Want a Gas or Electric Furnace

Step one is to figure out if initial costs or long-term costs are more important to you. Would you rather pay more for a gas furnace upfront but pay less to operate it over the years, or would you rather shell out less for an electric furnace that might cost more on a monthly basis? Electric furnaces tend to be quieter, safer, and more durable than gas units, and they’re often easier to install. However, natural gas is a cheaper and warmer form of fuel, so you’ll need to decide if you’re willing to pay a little more every year to have a more efficient electric furnace.

Figure Out When You Will Have to Install a New Unit

Installing a new furnace in the middle of winter is typically more expensive than doing so in the summer because you need the heat more. If you can, wait until the summer to start looking for a new furnace. You’ll have a better chance of snagging a great deal. If you must install a new furnace during the winter, ask an expert about the best deal for your needs.

Be Willing to Negotiate With HVAC Companies

When you finally decide on the quality and type of furnace you’d like to purchase, try to work out a fair price with the company you buy from. Use other sources to back up your idea of a reasonable price and present your research to the company.

Choose a Company That Will Install Your New Furnace for a Reasonable Cost

Even if you find a great bargain on a new furnace, you’ll still spend an arm and a leg if the company that installs it demands big bucks. Before you select an HVAC company, find out what they’ll charge you for the installation and make sure you’re happy with the price. Check their reviews and references to determine what kind of work they do, then speak to them about their services.
With a company like Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®, you’ll know you’re getting a secure and efficient installation for a great price. The HVAC professionals and furnace technicians will communicate clearly so you understand what’s going on, and before you know it, you’ll have a brand new furnace installed. To schedule an appointment or learn more, call (763) 284-8639!