If you’ve been sneezing and sniffling since the cold weather rolled in, it might not just be because you’ve come down with a cold. Winter temperatures often cause homeowners to seal up their homes to keep in the heat. However, this can often keep fresh air outside, which leads to more allergens and pollutants in the air inside. So, how can you combat pollutant and allergen sources inside your home without exposing it to the chilly air outside? Here are a few way to improve indoor air quality.

  • Make an effort to maintain your heating system. Poor maintenance can lead to dirty filters and a system that isn’t providing enough clean air.
  • Stop relying on wood-burning stoves or fireplaces too often. They can release dangerous levels of pollution into the home if used improperly.
  • Check on your water heater. If left unattended for too long, it can malfunction and release pollutants into the air.
  • Put away the air fresheners. They release pollutants continuously, as can other cleaning products.
  • Ensure that your insulation is clean and safe. Insulation and other parts of your heating system can contain asbestos, which is extremely dangerous if it becomes airborne.
  • Clean your carpet, bedding, and bathrooms thoroughly so that no dander, mold, mildew, pollens, or other pollutants can remain in the house for too long.

Keeping pollutants out of your home isn’t just important for your comfort; it’s necessary for your family’s safety. You may need to look into installing air cleaners or having improvements made to your home to ensure that your indoor air quality stays safe, even during the winter months.

To have a heating system expert examine your home, contact Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®. Their trustworthy representatives can conduct an inspection to determine if your air quality is safe, and if it isn’t, they can make the necessary suggestions and repairs to ensure that you remedy the issue quickly. To get an estimate or schedule a service, call (763) 284-8639 today.