We often think of air pollution as something only big cities must deal with – smog, ozone, or haze in the air. The truth is, the air inside our homes and businesses is often more polluted than outdoors. Indoor air is often polluted with lead, radon, and other chemicals or airborne contaminants. There are useful steps you may take to improve the indoor air quality of your home. We’ll break down a few important methods.

Keep Floors Clean

Various pollutants and allergens tend to accumulate in household dust. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter helps reduce high concentrations of lead. You may also remove toxins, include fire-retardant chemicals and allergens like pollen or dust mites.

Alternatively, consider mopping regularly, especially on tile flooring. Dust that vacuuming leaves behind can be scooped up with a mop. You can skip the soap and chemical cleaners, just use plain water. Microfiber mops help capture more dust and dirt than traditional techniques.

Healthy Humidity Levels

Dust mites and mold growth love a bit of moisture in a home. Ensuring your home’s humidity is around 30% to 50% helps keep allergens under control. You can accomplish this feat with a dehumidifier, or:

  • Use an exhaust fan when cooking, running the dishwasher, or bathing
  • Do not overwater your houseplants
  • Vent the clothes dryer in the outdoors
  • Fix leaky plumbing
  • Empty drip pans from air conditioners and dehumidifiers

You can schedule professional heating and cooling services to ensure your HVAC system is functioning appropriately. A clean air filter, for example, is bound to increase indoor air quality significantly.

Contact Us

To schedule indoor air quality services, contact Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® Conditioning by calling (763) 284-8639 today. We are awaiting your call now, so please do not hesitate!