Your air conditioning system never works harder than it does during the summer. Your unit will consistently work to maintain a cool temperature inside your home, no matter how blisteringly hot it is outside. This can cause your AC to overwork itself, and lead to extremely high electricity bills during the hottest months of the year.

To save yourself money and to protect your AC from running into issues, here are the top three things you can do to care for your unit.

  1. Have it inspected before summer really gets going. Now is the perfect time to catch broken parts and problems with your AC before it’s working overtime. Have a professional come out and conduct an inspection, then fix whatever parts need attention. Not only will you ensure that your system works well when you need it over the next few months, you’ll also nip problems in the bud, before they get too serious.
  2. Keep your unit clean and tidy. Outdoor AC units can get pretty dirty, especially after a long winter. Clear away sticks, leaves, trash, and other kinds of debris that might be cluttering it. Also, switch out your air filters regularly so that the unit isn’t forced to work overly hard to push out clean air.
  3. Use your AC appropriately. Turns out, there are indeed right and wrong ways to run your system efficiently. Don’t crank the AC 24/7, no matter how hot it is. Be smart about turning it on, and find other ways to cool off when you can, like turning on the ceiling fans and blocking hot sunlight that comes in through windows.

You can learn more about how to avoid AC problems during the summer by contacting Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®.  Their trained technicians know exactly how to care for and repair your AC unit, so that you don’t have to deal with issues later on this year. Schedule your appointment or speak with a representative by calling (763) 284-8639 today.