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We’re in the dog days of summer, which means it’s also Air Conditioning Appreciation season! With high heat and humidity and a “real feel” in the triple digits, there’s no doubt you’re seeking shelter in the arctic blessing that is air conditioning. Show your hard-working system some love with the below tips. You’ll beat the heat, save on your electric bill, and extend the life of your air conditioner.

  • Replace air filters regularly.Set a reminder to change them on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on your system’s needs. The cost of a new filter is nothing compared to the cost of necessary AC repairs due to a dirty system.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat. Keep your house warmer when you are away. It can mean big savings in the long run!
  • Make your windows work for you, not against you. Use blinds or curtains to keep the sunlight out and make sure windows and doors are closed while the air conditioning is running.
  • Ensure all vents and ducts inside your home are not blocked. Go ahead and vacuum them as well to ensure the air can flow freely.
  • Run ceiling fans to circulate the cool air. Set them to spin counter-clockwise in the summer and you will “feel” cooler without having to adjust your thermostat.
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms and avoid using certain appliances during the day. Cooking in the oven or running the dryer will generate additional heat and make your system work harder. Save these tasks for the evening, if possible.
  • Schedule routine maintenance. Hire a professional to conduct regular tune-ups and keep your system running at peak performance. Be sure to ask questions so you don’t get burned by your A/C!

If you have tried all of the above and are still having problems, our team is ready to roll with 24/7 emergency service. To make an appointment with one of our experienced technicians, call (757) 656-3023 or fill out an online form.