With a heatwave on the way and summer temperatures getting hotter, it's essential to prioritize safety for both our beloved pets and ourselves during dangerously hot temperatures. Extreme heat can pose serious health risks, so it's crucial to be well-prepared and take proactive measures to stay cool and protect our furry friends. As your local cooling experts, we’ve put together a few tips to keep everyone safe during Houston's upcoming heatwave!

Hydration is Key

For People:

  • Carry a refillable water bottle everywhere you go.
  • Increase your water intake and avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, as they can lead to dehydration.

For Pets:

  • Provide fresh, cool water at all times and check it regularly.
  • Ensure multiple water sources are available, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Consider using a pet water fountain or adding ice cubes to keep the water cooler for longer.

Create a Cool Environment

For People:

  • Stay in air-conditioned spaces as much as possible.
  • Use fans, open windows, or blinds to create a cool breeze at home.
  • Dress in lightweight, breathable clothing.

For Pets:

  • Keep your pets indoors during the hottest parts of the day.
  • If your pet stays outside, provide a shaded area with proper ventilation.
  • Use fans or air conditioning to help regulate the temperature indoors.

Pro Tip: It might be tempting to set your air conditioner's thermostat lower than usual, but it is not recommended. During a heatwave or an especially hot day, setting your system too low will result in your system running all day to try to keep your home cool. Local energy provider, Direct Energy, recommends setting your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are at home and 88 degrees when you are away. This not only reduces the stress on your system but also helps you save money in the process.

Limit Outdoor Activities

For People:

  • Minimize outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day.
  • If outdoor activities are necessary, seek shaded areas and take frequent breaks.
  • Apply and reapply sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

For Pets:

  • Avoid taking pets for walks or engaging in vigorous exercise during peak heat hours.
  • Opt for early morning or late evening walks when temperatures are cooler.
  • Protect their paws from hot surfaces by walking on grass or using booties.

Recognize Signs of Heat Stress

For People

  • Be aware of signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, such as dizziness, nausea, headache, or confusion.
  • Seek medical attention if you or someone around you experiences these symptoms.

For Pets:

  • Watch for excessive panting, drooling, rapid breathing, or weakness.
  • Look for signs of dehydration, such as dry gums or sunken eyes.
  • If your pet exhibits these symptoms, provide immediate cooling measures and contact a veterinarian.

Never Leave Pets or Children in Cars

  • Even with windows cracked, the temperature inside a car can reach dangerous levels rapidly.
  • Never leave pets or children unattended in a vehicle, even for a few minutes.
  • If you see an unattended pet or child in distress in a vehicle, call emergency services immediately.

During a heat wave in Houston, prioritizing the safety of people and pets is crucial. By taking these precautions, you'll help protect your loved ones and keep them safe and comfortable throughout high temperatures. If you find yourself without cool air due to a broken air conditioning unit or a citywide power outage, remember that cooling cities are open to the public throughout Harris County. For a full list of cooling centers, click here.

Emergency AC Repair in Houston is Available 24/7

At One Hour Air Conditioning and Heating of Houston, we know that a functioning air conditioning system is a necessity. Heatwave or not, we rely on our systems to keep us cool through the hot and humid summer. If you find yourself with a broken air conditioner, call in our pros. Whether your system is completely off, blowing hot air, or omitting a weird smell, you can rely on 24/7 emergency service.

We recommend that you contact our team as soon as possible to address your problem. Ignoring the issue could lead to further damage to your HVAC system, which could result in higher repair costs. We will work quickly to get your home's temperature back to comfortable levels. Give us a call today or book an appointment online!