With the warm temperatures and high humidity levels throughout the summer months in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, it’s not easy to keep the cooling costs at your home under control. These tips can help you trim summertime cooling bills without sacrificing comfort.

Schedule a Tune-Up

Routine maintenance is one of the best ways to keep your cooling system in good condition. During an annual tune-up, your HVAC technician will inspect the system to make sure it can provide adequate cooling, as well as check the various components to look for signs of wear. The technician will also test the air conditioner and check the refrigerant levels to ensure there are no leaks in the reservoir. By keeping up with the recommended maintenance, your unit can operate more efficiently, which reduces energy waste.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

Another easy way to trim your monthly bills is to upgrade your thermostat to a smart unit. These innovative devices connect to your home’s Wi-Fi network, giving you control over the HVAC system from your smartphone or tablet. Smart thermostats also have built-in monitoring features that can make automatic adjustments to reduce waste and keep your bills under control.

Use Fans

Ceiling and box fans can keep air flowing throughout your home and use less energy than the air conditioning system. Although a fan doesn’t actually cool the air, the airflow can create a cooling sensation and prevent it from getting stale and stagnant. Make sure to turn the fans off when you leave the house as they only help when you’re actually in the room. Leaving them running while you’re away will waste energy.

Cover Your Windows

When the sunlight streams through your uncovered windows, the heat from those rays can cause the indoor temperature to spike. During the hottest part of the day, keep your windows covered with blinds or UV-blocking curtains to maintain a more comfortable temperature without having to spend as much on cooling costs.

Save money this summer by contacting us at One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating® of Niceville to schedule an air conditioning tune-up at (850) 783-4194.