It can be hard to decide when the timing is right to replace your furnace, but one thing is for sure; you don’t want your furnace to die on you as the temperatures dip in the fall in Durham, NC. That’s why the spring and summer are ideal to consider if you should replace your furnace for the coming season.

It can be hard to judge, but our expert panel has put together their most common warning signs that you need a new furnace, in addition to an increase in dust, uneven heating, cool air blowing out registers, cool rooms, even though thermostat set high and the flame burning inside the furnace is yellow.

High Heating Bills

If your furnace is approaching old age or wasn’t built with some of the operational efficiencies that today’s models have, you may see your heating bills continue to go up.

Energy is more expensive than ever, and if you don’t have a high-efficiency model, energy costs more. Similarly, if your furnace is suffering the wear and tear of age, it isn’t going to be very effective in heating your home.

That means that it has to work harder than it has to heat your home, hence higher bills. Regardless of when you replace your furnace, you can keep your heating bills down by regular tune-ups and by changing the air filter every season.

Is It Too Old?

Depending on the make and model of your furnace, age alone could be the requirement to replace your furnace. Some furnaces only last ten years. Higher-end models could last up to 17 years. If your furnace is 17 years old or even older, most of the major components will start to break down irreparably (if they haven’t already), so replacement is the best avenue.

Consider replacement simply for the purpose of reaping the cost-benefits of energy efficiency. There are a lot of energy-efficient features available on furnaces now that likely were not available when you purchased your current one.

Frequent Repairs

If you are calling your repairman often, if you have to repair the same problem more than once, or if you find that you are invested a substantial sum into repairing your furnace, then you should replace it straight away.

Unless your furnace is still covered by warranty, you should put a cap on repair expenses.

Want to learn more about how choosing a high-efficiency furnace could help your budget? Call us today: (919) 646-3639.