Your home’s boiler is typically an out-of-sight system that often neither receives the love nor the attention it deserves. As such, boiler problems are far too common in residential households. When dealing with a boiler breakdown, it can be an expensive inconvenience. Often, these boiler issues occur during the winter, when you need the system the most. Or, the unit has been inactive for quite some time, such as during the summer. Then, come winter, you try to turn on the boiler and find that nothing works as intended. The entire situation has just become quite drastic. You’re now on the clock to provide a working boiler for the house in such a short time. As a homeowner, it often pays to know the common boiler problems affecting Minneapolis homeowners.

Common Boiler Problems

Many of the most common boiler problems you’ll stumble across as a homeowner can be handled without the need for a professional. However, others require a qualified, experienced HVAC technician to tackle. In either case, if you ever feel uncomfortable working on your home’s boiler, call in an expert. It is best to pay for service rather than an entirely new boiler, should something go wrong.

Here are a few of the most common boiler problems:

  • No Heat – The entire point of a boiler is to provide heat and hot water throughout your home. If your system is doing neither of those things, then something has gone terribly wrong. Often, the cause of no heat is due to a broken diaphragm, airlock, failed motorized valve, or the thermostat.
  • Leaks – In a plumbing or HVAC system, leaks are never a good sign. A leaking boiler is caused by any number of issues, including a pump seal, increased pressure, or another broken internal component. A leak is not a DIY job, though. You’ll need to hire a technician.
  • Odd Noises – Like a hot water heater, your boiler may make a few noises on occasion. However, odd banging or gurgling sounds are not in the system’s repertoire. Such noises typically indicate imminent pump failure, low water pressure, or kettling.
  • Pressure Loss – Should your boiler ever lose pressure, the central heating system may fail to work properly. You’ll need to check the pressure levels. If the pressure is low, it is likely caused by a leak or broken pressure relief valve.
  • Kettling – If you notice strange rumbling noises that sound similar to that of a kettle boiling over, it is often because of limescale or sludge residue build up on the heat exchanger. This issue is known as kettling. It is common for homes dealing with hard water. Your boiler is working overtime, thereby shortening its lifespan, to handle the deposits within the unit. You’ll need to flush the system, but call a professional to do so.

If you are having trouble with your boiler system, call Northern's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® at (763) 284-8639. We have technicians standing by at all hours to tackle boiler troubles in your home!