Now that the heat outside has subsided, it will soon be time to turn on the heat inside your home. Your air conditioner has been working hard all summer and needs a break. But before you switch over to heat, get an HVAC tune-up.

Here are five reasons why you should get an HVAC tune-up in the fall.

  1. Savings

Have a professional take a look each year to look out for minor issues and fix them now, rather than more expensive repairs down the road. Spend a little now to avoid a lot later. Without an HVAC checkup, you’re leaving it all up to chance.

  1. Lifespan

As with any appliance in your home, it requires checkups and maintenance to keep it in peak condition. There may be minor adjustments and fixes to be made which is typical wear-and-tear, but you don’t want to be hit with an expensive surprise. Maintain your system year over year to keep it running smoothly and efficiently for years to come. This will save you money in the long run because you can extend the life of your HVAC system.

In addition, we recommend installing a programmable thermostat that will set the temperature according to the time of day. This way, your system won’t have to overwork itself when it doesn’t need to which helps extend its lifespan.

  1. Air Quality

When it comes to your health, do not take risks. With a tune-up, a professional HVAC technician will check your system to ensure there are no leaks, dirt & debris buildup, and will make sure the air you breathe is safe. In addition to an HVAC tune-up, you should change your air filter regularly to keep your system running in peak condition and to cut down on dust in the air.

  1. Improve Comfort

HVAC systems should distribute air evenly throughout your home. And if your HVAC system is running inefficiently, the temperature inside your home won’t be ideal. When your system is in check, so is your comfort level. Along those lines, a damaged system could produce loud sounds or unpleasant odors.

  1. Peak Season

It’s almost peak heating season. That means lots of other people will need heating help and many other HVAC companies will hike up their prices to capitalize on the demand for heating repairs. Some other companies may be booked up! Don’t wait until the last minute—schedule service now with a reputable company before the peak season sets in.

According to EnergyStar, almost 30% of household utility bills come from heating costs. That’s a pretty sizeable chunk from just heating alone! Your HVAC system already uses quite a lot of electricity and energy, so do not ignore it.

For a relatively small investment now, you can save money over time, extend the life of your system, and have peace of mind by getting an HVAC tune-up. Don’t skimp out because you could be facing costly repairs or be left without heat if you ignore HVAC checkups.

Thankfully, our Chattanooga HVAC specialists are available to assist you 365 days a year. We also take calls 24/7 and can even do emergency visits. Contact One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment.