If you’re shopping for a new air conditioner or heat pump, there are a lot of specs to consider, including SEER and SEER2 efficiency ratings. But what do these ratings mean?

Read on to learn what you need to know about these efficiency ratings and how they affect your purchasing decision to cool your Indianapolis home.

SEER: The Basics of AC Efficiency Measurements

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It’s a measurement of how efficiently your air conditioner or heat pump cools the air in your home. The higher the SEER number, the more efficient your air conditioner or heat pump is (and the lower your monthly cooling bill will likely be).

Manufacturers and regulators determine a unit’s SEER by dividing the typical cooling output for one cooling season by the total electric energy input over the same season.

What Does SEER2 Mean?

We just learned about SEER and there’s already a second one? What does SEER2 stand for? SEER2 is just Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2 and it’s an updated way of measuring cooling efficiency. This new standard was implemented on January 1, 2023. Equipment testers calculate SEER2 the same way as the original SEER. When it comes to SEER vs. SEER2, the major difference is how inspectors test the equipment to assign a rating.

Experts adjusted SEER2 air conditioner tests to more closely reflect real-world conditions, making them more predictive of how they will perform in your home. SEER2 testing changes the static pressure up to five times, simulating the way pressure changes with the weather. In HVAC, static pressure is the resistance to airflow in your system, something that changes alongside different outdoor conditions.

Overall, SEER2 is a more accurate representation of the cooling efficiency you should see from your installed AC or heat pump.

SEER2 Requirements You Need to Know

As of January 1, 2023, all cooling units sold in the United States have to meet SEER2 minimum guidelines. As a northern state, Indiana requires residential AC units to have a minimum SEER2 rating of 13.4 (14 in the old SEER measurement). Residential heat pumps need a cooling efficiency of at least 14.3 SEER2 (15 SEER) and a Heating Seasonal Performance Factor of at least 7.5 HSPF2 (8.8 HSPF).

How Does the New SEER-to-SEER2 Conversion Affect You as an Indianapolis Area Homeowner?

If you’re happy with your current air conditioner, SEER2 won’t affect you yet! Cooling units installed before January 1, 2023, do not have to meet the new guidelines.

When you decide to replace your air conditioner, you’ll need to purchase one that meets the SEER2 minimum of 13.4. When you’re ready to upgrade, an experienced HVAC technician can help you choose a new air conditioner or heat pump with the right energy efficiency rating for your Indianapolis home.

You may choose to replace a broken air conditioner since no one wants to suffer through a sticky Indianapolis summer. But you can also choose to upgrade just to enjoy the benefits of higher efficiency, especially if your AC is several years old. This is also the perfect opportunity to switch from a standard AC to a heat pump. Pick one rated for cold weather to save money and reduce your fossil fuel burning during the Indianapolis winter. Federal tax incentives make it easier than ever to purchase a ground-source heat pump.

Choosing Your SEER2 Rating: What Cools Best in Indianapolis?

Sure, you know you need to meet the SEER2 requirements, but what about exceeding them? Is getting an air conditioner or heat pump above the bare minimum worth it? The higher the SEER2 rating, the more efficient your unit will be and the more money you’ll save over time. However, more efficient units also usually have a higher price tag.

The best efficiency for your home depends on your cooling needs, including the size of your home and the number of people who live there. Talk to your HVAC technician to determine the best balance of cost and efficiency.

Schedule the Experts to Install Your New, Efficient Air Conditioner

At One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning of Indianapolis, we use our knowledge to recommend an AC that’s a good fit for your home or a heat pump that will also serve you through Indy winters. Call (317) 795-0373 or book an appointment online to get your efficient AC or heat pump installed quickly and expertly.