Homeowners in Rockwall, TX know that fall is the perfect time for some cleaning and maintenance. Particularly, they understand the importance of giving a dose of TLC to their HVAC systems during the cold season. No one wants a broken furnace in the winter, right?

We have prepared a list of the best ways to prepare your HVAC for fall.

1. Replace Air Filters

Whenever the season changes, it pays off to replace your air filter. A clean filter improves the efficiency of your system and decreases energy consumption for a lower utility bill. A clogged and dirty filter is a small issue, but when left unattended, it spells total doom of your HVAC. 

2. Seal Air Leaks

Leaks in your ductwork are among the most common cause of a high utility bill. Stop air leaks by sealing ducts with aluminum foil or mastik tape. Unsealed windows and drafts also cause air leaks, which explains why some rooms feel warmer or colder than the others.

3. Check Outdoor Components

Your outdoor HVAC also needs maintenance. Clear debris or any other form of obstruction around your unit and repair any damage that may hinder your system from working properly. Remove any combustible materials that may cause fire, such as dried leaves, twigs, and roots.

4. Get a Tune-up Service

Schedule a visit with a professional to make sure everything is working as expected. Your local technician will run tests to ensure that your system is ready for the long winter months. In most cases, your system needs a professional tune-up.

5. Consider a System Upgrade

An efficient HVAC system has a properly programmed thermostat, well-sealed ductwork, and adequate insulation. A system upgrade usually includes replacement of the old components or purchasing a completely new system. If you decide to invest in a new unit, talk to your local contractor for proper sizing. 

As a reputable HVAC company in Rockwall Texas, we often recommend purchasing a new system during the fall. For more HVAC maintenance tips, please visit our blog page or check us out on Facebook.